Hey fetelor, m-am gandit sa organizez primul meu giveaway unde puteti castiga un accesoriu la alegere din cele de pe blog (cele nevandute, bineinteles).
Iata ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a castiga:
1. Trebuie sa urmariti blog-ul in mod public prin Google Friend Connect.
2. Lasati un comentariu la aceasta postare in care sa specificati numele cu care urmariti blogul prin GFC, adresa de email si link-ul catre postarea despre giveaway (in care va rog sa preluati si poza) de pe blog-ul vostru.
3. Daca nu aveti blog, puteti sa dati like la pagina de facebook si sa specificati asta in comentariu.
1. Giveaway-ul este deschis pana pe 30 aprilie la ora 17:00 si este international.
2. Castigatoarea va fi aleasa cu random.org si numele sau va fi postat pe blog zilele urmatoare si va primi un mail de la mine.
Daca nu primesc nici un raspuns de la ea in 48 de ore, voi alege alta castigatoare.
Hey girls, you can win one of the items(the ones not sold) presented on the bog.
Here's what to do to win:
1. You must be a public follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect.
2. You have to leave a comment to this post containing your GFC name, email and link to the post about the giveaway on your blog.
3. If you don't have a blog, you can give like my facebook page and specify this in the comment.
1. Giveaway is open until 30 April,17:00 hrs. and is international.
2. The winner will be chosen by random.org. The winner will be announced on the blog and via email a couple of days later! The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email, or a new winner will be selected.
1. You must be a public follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect.
2. You have to leave a comment to this post containing your GFC name, email and link to the post about the giveaway on your blog.
3. If you don't have a blog, you can give like my facebook page and specify this in the comment.
1. Giveaway is open until 30 April,17:00 hrs. and is international.
2. The winner will be chosen by random.org. The winner will be announced on the blog and via email a couple of days later! The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email, or a new winner will be selected.
Good Luck!