Unfortunately Dale was disqualified, this leads to a list of 29 participants to my giveaway. Here is the final list:
And the winner is...
And now, I want to offer a special prize for one of you. The lucky one is Endre.
I wille-mail you both and if I don't get an answer from Mad@ in 48h, I will choose another winner.
Thanks to all of you for participating to my first giveaway, hopefully there will be others in the future.
8 comentarii:
felicitari fetelor:* sa se bucure de cadouri:*
Merci mult de tot,Ioana!:*
Oh,egoista de mine....FELICITARI castigatoarei!
Te pup!O pup si pe Andra...cum a intrat ea sa ne felicite...:*
:)) Asa e Endre, Andra e o draguta. Nu ai fost egoista, doar happy ca ai castigat si tu ;)
Andra, te pup si te mai astept la mine pe blog. :*
Multumesc mult de tot!! :D
Acuma ma pregatesc sa-ti trimit mail :*:*
Cu multa placere, Mad@ :*
Cu multa placere, Mad@ :*
Oh,egoista de mine....FELICITARI castigatoarei!
Te pup!O pup si pe Andra...cum a intrat ea sa ne felicite...:*
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